გორის ძველი არქიტექტურული სახე | GoriMaps

The old architectural image of Gori


The architectural landscape of Gori as it once looked has been almost completely lost due to of ecological and historical disasters. The visual appearance of the city has been significantly changed by the earthquake of 1920 and the urban planning of the Soviet period. The original names of some sights are preserved only in illustrations, such as Gori Castle. Historian Eldar Mamistvalishvili tells us how Gori looked as it entered the 20th century, and the changes it underwent through the decades.

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Back The old architectural image of Gori

The architectural landscape of Gori as it once looked has been almost completely lost due to of ecological and historical disasters. The visual appearance of the city has been significantly changed by the earthquake of 1920 and the urban planning of the Soviet period. The original names of some sights are preserved only in illustrations, such as Gori Castle. Historian Eldar Mamistvalishvili tells us how Gori looked as it entered the 20th century, and the changes it underwent through the decades.

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If you have any information, story or visuals concerning the historical or cultural identity of Gori and/or Shida Kartli region broadly, please get in touch with us.
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