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Kote Eliozishvili

Kote Eliozishvili

Doctor - Kote Eliozishvili was born in 1874 in the village of Kvemo Nikosi. From 1900 onwards, he worked  in Tbilisi as well as in various districts across Georgia. From 1924 , he held the position of head doctor at Gori Hospital.

Kote Eliozishvili's invaluable contribution

In 1906, the medical services of the villages of Gori district were of rather low quality and the situation started to decline further after the First World War. In 1921, under the initiative of Eliozishvili, the first hospital with 50 beds was opened in Gori. The hospital was then transformed into a stationary district hospital.

In 1925, Eliozishvili was appointed as the Deputy Head of the Health Protection and Department of the Gori Assembly Executive Committee, and in 1926 as the Chief Physician of Gori Hospital. Eliozishvili died in 1954 in Gori. 

Source: Ioseb Sreseli, 1976, "Kote Eliozishvili", p. 89.

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Back Kote Eliozishvili Kote Eliozishvili

Doctor - Kote Eliozishvili was born in 1874 in the village of Kvemo Nikosi. From 1900 onwards, he worked  in Tbilisi as well as in various districts across Georgia. From 1924 , he held the position of head doctor at Gori Hospital.

Kote Eliozishvili's invaluable contribution

In 1906, the medical services of the villages of Gori district were of rather low quality and the situation started to decline further after the First World War. In 1921, under the initiative of Eliozishvili, the first hospital with 50 beds was opened in Gori. The hospital was then transformed into a stationary district hospital.

In 1925, Eliozishvili was appointed as the Deputy Head of the Health Protection and Department of the Gori Assembly Executive Committee, and in 1926 as the Chief Physician of Gori Hospital. Eliozishvili died in 1954 in Gori. 

Source: Ioseb Sreseli, 1976, "Kote Eliozishvili", p. 89.

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