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Triphon Gamsakhurdia

Triphon Gamsakhurdia trifon gamsaxrudias fotos aghwera

Pharmacist - Provisor, Triphon Gamsakhurdia, was born in 1896 in the village of Nosir of Senaki District. He lived in Gori from 1924 and worked as a pharmacy receptionist. From 1929 to August 23, 1937, he served as a deputy of the Gori City Council.

From the pharmacy receptionist to the chairmanship of the district committee of the Red Cross

In 1931, Gamsakhurdia was appointed the governor of the health department of Gori district, where he worked until 1937. During this period, he was also appointed as the chairman of the district committee of the Red Cross. In 1937, he was arrested, and in 1940, he was found innocent and returned to Gori, where he started working in the village of Tkviavi as a pharmacy manager.

From 1962, he was transferred to work in the 1st pharmacy of Gori in the position of receiver-controller, where he worked until the end of his life. He died in 1993. With his selfless work, attention, love, and care, Triphon Gamsakhurdia won the great love and respect of all people in and out of Gori. His memorial is installed in front of the N1 pharmacy in Gori.

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Back Triphon Gamsakhurdia Triphon Gamsakhurdia

Pharmacist - Provisor, Triphon Gamsakhurdia, was born in 1896 in the village of Nosir of Senaki District. He lived in Gori from 1924 and worked as a pharmacy receptionist. From 1929 to August 23, 1937, he served as a deputy of the Gori City Council.

From the pharmacy receptionist to the chairmanship of the district committee of the Red Cross

In 1931, Gamsakhurdia was appointed the governor of the health department of Gori district, where he worked until 1937. During this period, he was also appointed as the chairman of the district committee of the Red Cross. In 1937, he was arrested, and in 1940, he was found innocent and returned to Gori, where he started working in the village of Tkviavi as a pharmacy manager.

From 1962, he was transferred to work in the 1st pharmacy of Gori in the position of receiver-controller, where he worked until the end of his life. He died in 1993. With his selfless work, attention, love, and care, Triphon Gamsakhurdia won the great love and respect of all people in and out of Gori. His memorial is installed in front of the N1 pharmacy in Gori.

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